First courses
From fresh pasta to single-portion dishes that are ready to serve, you will find a whole world of first courses: the very finest of the Italian cuisine.

Sauces and ragù meat sauces
Sauces and ragù meat sauces that are ready even before the pasta is drained! Delicious, convenient and easily divided into portions. The facility with which portions can be divided will make it easier to control prices per serving.

First courses
There are so many different types of frozen fresh pastas to choose from: the pride and joy of the Italian cuisine. This pasta is perfect for both special occasions and everyday events. For extraordinary dishes every time!

Single-portion dishes ready-to-serve
A world of ready-to-serve frozen dishes to meet with today’s basic requirements: food that is quickly prepared, practical and delicious. Even the most demanding customers will be satisfied in the blink of an eye!