Special diets products
Nowadays, the ability to meet the individual needs of every customer is crucial. We have a large assortment of products for vegetarians, vegans and celiacs who have adopted this line – out of necessity or by choice.

Gluten-free products
An assortment of top-quality products that are gluten-free. No reason to deny flavour or creativity – anyone can enjoy them.

Vegetarian and vegan products
We have a line of ready-to-serve frozen products that can meet the demands involved in preparing vegetable-based dishes: from organic pureed soups to soy-based ragù sauces. No meat is imperative in these cases so, here you are: a tasty quinoa cutlet and other first courses prepared with vegetables, rice and grains. Then we have artichoke and aubergine hamburgers and a variety of vegetable-based side dishes to satisfy the most demanding requests in just a few minutes.